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Donation for Flood Victims

Employees forgo soft drinks allowance

SCHOMÄCKER FERDERNWERK has 200 employees. The company has installed a budget for soft drinks which is distributed to the staff on a regular basis. The most recent distribution did not take place - upon request of the staff – and for very good reason. Instead of taking the ten to 15 Euros they are allocated every year, they left the money in the account, so that a grand total of just under 3,200 Euros had amassed by the time of the annual works assembly at the end of September 2021. On this occasion Jürgen Wachholz, Head of the Works Council, presented the idea of donating this money to the victims of last year’s catastrophic flood in Germany.

“The idea was unanimously carried“,Wachholz, proudly confirmed. But that was not the end of the matter: the staff also collected the missing difference to make it a full 3,500 Euros and managing director Torsten Bispink matched this sum on behalf of the company, so that a total of 7000 Euro were donated only a few days ago to the charity ”Nachbarn in Not“ (neighbours in distress), initiated by the council most affected by the flood, Kreisverwaltung Ahrweiler. “A really great idea“, was how Torsten Bispink described the joint project of the SCHOMÄCKER employees. Helping the victims of the flood was very close to the employees’ hearts, added Jürgen Wachholz. And since the money went to an account set up for this disaster by the local council, it was clear that all the money would go to those in need. “And that is, what it is all about“, concluded Wachholz.