
made in germany

We have been successfully audited

We are proud to announce that we have once again demonstrated our commitment to excellence in quality, environmental protection and energy efficiency!

DIN EN ISO 9001 - Our quality management is at the heart of what we do. It has once again shown that our customers and their needs come first. With the successful recertification, we continue to deliver products and services that not only fulfil our customers' expectations, but also exceed them.

DIN EN ISO 14001 - We care about the planet and our environmental management system reflects this. This standard ensures that we continuously reduce our environmental impact. This audit has confirmed that our efforts have an impact and that we are on the right path to reach a greener footprint.

DIN EN ISO 50001 - Energy is a precious commodity and we take our responsibility to use it wisely seriously. The audit of our energy management system has highlighted our progress and innovations in this area. We are endeavouring to further increase our energy efficiency and operate sustainably.